The air operated aerosol generators are used to produce poly disperse liquid aerosols which are reproducible in particle size distribution and aerosol mass concentration. Aerosol generators and photometers are used to integrity test or locate leaks in high efficiency air filtration systems.
These aerosol generators are useful in evaluating high efficiency filter systems, air lock systems, ventilation distribution and ESP. Filter manufacturers use this equipment to scan ULPA and HEPA filters to verify that they are free from manufacturing defects. Filter certifiers use this equipment to insure that filters were not damaged in shipping and have been installed properly, eliminating any leakage.
With the proper generator and photometer combination, filter deficiencies such as pinholes, thin spots, gasket leaks, frame leaks or seal problems can be quickly and quantifiably pinpointed and corrected thus protecting product and personnel.
The aerosol generator MTPL-AG has an array of six Laskin nozzles symmetrically arranged into a single outlet feed pipe. It has integrated valves and regulators and can be coupled together or used separately so that 1 to 6 nozzles can be taken in line using combination. Standard plumbing connections are used throughout. The air supply pipe has pressure gauge, air supply pipe and compressed air couplings.
MTPL-AG has several improvements including rugged stainless steel construction, large fill port, individual nozzle control, and a standard outlet fitting. The portable Laskin nozzle aerosol generator MTPL-AG produces a sub-micron polydisperse aerosol in concentrations from 10 to 100 micrograms per liter (ug/l) at air flows from 50 to 8,100 cfm.
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